

Shredders designed for shredding wood waste and other materials from the different types and sizes.

The product consists of crushing of grains whose dimensions are determined through specially perforated grids and inserted inside the machines according to customer specifications.

The machine base is made of steel in thick, reinforced with steel profiles welded, in the base is located a separate rotor shaft, supported by two strong specially supports.

The rotor has a cylindrical shape , and on the same are placeed the cutter knife niches / hammer.

The knives are fixed with special steel bolts, easily removed for replacement or sharpening.

Shredders (refiners) hammer usually at the base of the grinder are fitted with interchangeable grid based on the type of material to be crushed and the quantity of material to be crushed.

We also realize the fan and the connecting pipe from the grinder / refined to the discharge of the material.

The machines are operated by electric panel with all of the strengths and command to work correctly, for starter motors and introducying/loading system, for the exhaust fan, controlled by PLC.

sito     Macinatore SR Macinatore SKC Macinatore SK  Macinatoreraffinatore SR